Holy crap what a day and an even better night. To start, what should have been a 6 hour (from leaving my house to arriving in Nashville) took nearly double that time. To keep the story short: I was bumped from my 930 AM flight and had to take 240 PM flight to Nashville. On the plus side, I got to take a shot jaeger with some cute coeds from the University of Rhode Island at the airport and was seated next to their friend from Fordham University on the plane. Cool peeps, maybe I'll run into them again in the Music City.

ESC NYC representing at McFaddens in Nashville.

Bartenders repping the scarf prior to the march to the stadium.
We left McFaddens and began our 1/2 mile march to the stadium. The usual US songs on the way to LP Field.
MetroFlip leading the chants on the way to LP Field.
LP Field: Venue for Thursday's match.
View inside during the stadium from the Guatemala/Honduras match.
After arriving at LP Field aka Foxboro of the south it was time to try out some food. And boy, for $6 you can have one hell of a turkey leg. Highly recommended if you go to Nashville. Eventually, Honduras won in penalty kicks and the US game started. Pictures from our historic 3-0 victory over Canada are below.
Sam's Army singing for the US behind Canada's net in the first half.

After a US goal, smoke bomb goes off in the section. Well done.

Honduran fans puts on US gear and smiles for the camera.

ESC NYC member Fina and honorary ESC member from the south Joel repping for the camera.
After our 3-0 triumph, Man of the Match Freddy Adu heard the cheers for his name, he made his way over to Sam's Army. I ran down to the front of the section to great Freddy and parted way with my 2007 Under 20 World Cup scarf (seen below around Freddy's neck) and gave it to the maestro. I reached out, shook his hand, patted him on the back, and told him can't wait to see him in Beijing as the Americans will take part in the 2008 Summer Olympics. Later, Freddy signed autographs and I yelled for him to come over and he waved for me to go over there. I took off the #11 PRIMETOWN jersey and Freddy signed is name above the #. Awesome.

Freddy signing autographs and wearing my U-20 scarf (now his.)
With the victory intact, the night was still young. The ESC NYC contingent and a few others headed to Gold Rush for some beer and steak/biscuits.
After that we hung out for awhile, some of the boys called it a night while others hung around some more and we headed to a 24/7 joint (one of the few in Nashville) which had the weirdest collection of music you will ever hear. First, elevator music straight out of the Weather Channel followed by Beastie Boys "Sabotage," you can't make this shit up.
After that the bars had closed and it was time to the sack. It's Friday now and I just heard some country music. It is the Music City after all.
Dude, I frickin love the pictures. Awesome post, it sounds like it was a killer time.
Hey man that's awesome, wish I coulda gone with you guys!
Hey, that's the back of my head. I'm famous :-)
I learned one thing on this trip. I may bring the drum from St. Louis, but it's NEW YORK that brings the F'n NOISE. Good times boyos.
Is there supporters group that follows US national team beside Sam`s Army.
Ultras 1988
Portland OR
This is great info to know.
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